Chiara Perano Calligraphy. Her online store features limited edition prints, original drawings & painted ceramics with a touch of dolce vita style. The long dormant calligraphy enthusiast in me leapt back to life last friday when i attended a 2 1/2 hr modern calligraphy 101 workshop led by chiara perano at the london town hall hotel’s photogengic restaurant, corner room.

The original, authentic and bestselling guide to modern calligraphy from chiara perano, founder of the pioneering and unparalleled calligraphy studio lamplighter london. If you want to learn modern calligraphy for yourselves, to stop playing along bit by bit, drooling on pinterest, and actually learn how to do it for real from an expert, then nib and ink is the one to get. Get creative with letterforms and fall in love with handwriting again.
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